Freedom to speak up

Please report any concerns about service user safety, care delivery, or workplace issues securely and confidentially. We value your insights and commitment to maintaining our high standards of care and workplace integrity. If your concern requires immediate attention, please do not hesitate to call us directly (01524401200). Your voice is essential in helping us ensure a safe and supportive environment for everyone.
Freedom to Speak Up

Your information

It would be helpful if you could provide your details so we can talk to you or ask any follow-up questions, but if you decide to remain anonymous then we will still follow up on the information you provide.

If you are an employee, you are protected by our whistleblowing policy. It's our aim to foster an environment of openness and to support our staff who raise genuine concerns, even if those concerns ultimately prove to be unfounded. We firmly believe that whistleblowers should never face any form of detrimental treatment for their actions. Be assured, any form of retaliation or threat against whistleblowers is taken very seriously and may lead to disciplinary action.

If you are an external stakeholder, we will also respect your right to anonymity.

Incident Details

Please click the button below to submit your report. All concerns are taken seriously and will be acted upon in accordance with our policies.

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